What Really Matters for Struggling Readers Ebook

There are a lot of things that matter for struggling readers. But, if we’re being honest, there are only a few things that REALLY matter. In this blog post, we’ll explore the three most important things that really make a difference for students who are struggling to read.

When it comes to struggling readers, there are a lot of things that can make a difference. But what really matters? Here are four key things:

1. A love of reading. If a child doesn’t love reading, it will be very difficult to help them improve. It’s important to find ways to make reading fun and engaging for struggling readers.

2. A positive attitude towards learning. Struggling readers often give up easily because they think they can’t do it. It’s important to instill a belief in them that they can improve with hard work and determination.

3. Good instruction. Struggling readers need explicit, systematic instruction in order to improve. This means working with a tutor or teacher who knows how to teach reading effectively.

4. Persistence. Learning to read is not easy, and it takes time and practice. It’s important for struggling readers (and their parents!) to understand this and be prepared for setbacks along the way.

What Really Matters for Struggling Readers Ebook

Credit: thisreadingmama.com

-How Can I Tell If My Child is a Struggling Reader

If you’re concerned that your child may be a struggling reader, there are several signs you can look for. Does your child have difficulty sounding out words? Do they avoid reading aloud or reading altogether?

Do they have trouble understanding what they read? Are they slow to finish assignments or tests that involve reading? If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to talk to your child’s teacher or a tutor about ways to help them improve their reading skills.

What Really Matters for Struggling Readers Pdf

When it comes to struggling readers, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, there are some key things that really matter when it comes to helping them improve their reading skills. Here are just a few of the most important things to keep in mind:

1. Provide plenty of opportunities for practice. The more time struggling readers have to practice reading, the better they will become at it. Make sure they have access to plenty of books at their level, and encourage them to read as much as possible.

2. Help them develop a love for reading. If struggling readers can find joy in reading, it will motivate them to keep practicing and improving their skills. Find ways to connect them with books they’ll love, whether it’s through recommendations, book clubs, or other activities.

3. Work on building their confidence. A big part of being a successful reader is having confidence in oneself. Help your struggling reader feel good about their progress and celebrate their successes along the way.

4. Be patient and encouraging. Learning to read can be challenging, so make sure you provide plenty of support and encouragement throughout the process. Remember that every little bit of progress is worth celebrating!


In this post, we take a look at what really matters for struggling readers. We know that there are many factors that can affect reading ability, but we wanted to focus on three key areas: phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency. We also share some resources that can help struggling readers improve in these areas.

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